
Meaning is a verb






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Projects - basis of a portfolio


 Specific projects and work items - these won't all get filled in instantaneously - some will need me to find my notes on them, and others are works in progress or plans for work.

Also, it is worth noting that due to my philosophy of mind, and assumed model of learning and cognition, I don't read up on other people's work in a subject area before starting to work on it, so in some cases I may be way off the mark, and/or (!) doing things other people have already done.


List of topics


Clustering investigations

Reducing data size by attribute segmentation

Design process of MeAggregatorTM

Evaluation design for MeAggregatorTM

Proposed design of ontology engine

Proposed design of identity crawler

Role based dialogic learning

Roleplaying in 3D as a learning mechanism

Adult play supporting life long learning?

Design of technology use survey

Lessons learned in Open Source adventure

Embedding semantic tags in plain text web pages

Digital Identity tagfingerprinting

Interval arithmetic and beyond - what to do with complexity?

Does the semantic web define its users? - if social tagging gives resources meaning, does it give users meaning too?

Enhancing e-Learning with MeAggregatorTM

e-Learning modes for students with special needs

Speed, interpretation and retention of reading with a speed reader

The importance of interdisciplinary communication

Vector comparison/search with high order stats

Hierarchical Learning Classifer Systems

Bayesian or other learning Search systems

Contextual search through vector analysis




Connectionist philosophy

Digital Identity - philosophy

Philosophy of mind

Realities - philosophy

Embodiment - physical or virtual - which environment are we working in?

Artificial Consciousness - working, not biological, models?

Connectivism - where is the learning?

Connectivism - from neural networks, through the individual, to society

Model of learning and development

Model of cognition

Communities of Practice - analysis (& design?)